Do you need financial assistance to desex your cat?

We have been incredibly lucky to be the recipients of a grant from Greater Shepparton Connected Community who are a community fund run by Bendigo Bank.
We applied to access funding to support members of our community with the financial cost of desexing their cats.
We have partnered with GV Vets to complete the desexing surgeries and microchip implantation & registration.
This funding will enable us to cover majority of the cost of the vet work, and owners will only have to pay $50 to have their cat desexed & microchipped. The $50 fee must be paid before your cats vet work will be booked in.
Please see the eligibility criteria below to see if you can access our desexing program:
- Female cats only**
- The owner of the cat must have a Commonwealth Concession Card
- The owner must live within the Greater Shepparton municipality
**At this time we are only desexing female cats, as female cats cost significantly more to desex & female cats are the ones having all the babies**